On the eve of July 2008 , a new chess opening system is borned ...
ZM , Benjamin 'Karpov' Tan has came out with a new defence system called the Rainway Defence .
It generally starts with :
1. e4 , e5
2. d3 , Nf6
3. Nf3 , Bb5
4. Be2 , Nc3
5. 0-0 , 0-0
6. Re1 , d6
7. Nd2 , h6
8. Nf1 , Bf5
9. Be3 , Rfe8
10. Qd2 , Rad8
11. c3 , ...
Or the move's sequence can change with the Sicilian .
Opening Concept
ZM , Ben 'Karpov' propose this new system as an organize , low-risked opening .
According to him , the concept behind the opening is to guard the f , g and h-file vertically . With a double knight defence , the squares would be protected vertically with the reinforcement of a double bishop at e2 and e3 . The Queen at d2 protects the c3 and b2 pawn , and also keep an eye on the two bishop at the e-file . The two rooks are connected at a1 and e1 . The King is safely tucked away at the g1 square (beside the King is the Knight) .
Pieces power
The double-knight at f1 and f3 guarding the vital h2 square which might be vulnerable to the opponent queen .
In the case of the g2 pawn being threaten , the knight can move to g3 to block the g-file (the King might want to move to h1 and the light-squared bishop to f1) .
The two colored bishop do different roles . The light-squared bishop is used more for defence , where-as the dark-squared bishop can be rushed for the offence . The light-squared bishop can control the f1 , e2 , d1 , f3 , g4 and h5 square (at the same time protecting the d3 pawn) . The dark-squared bishop controls the f4 , g5 , h6 , d4 , c5 , b6 and a7 . It also protects the f2 pawn .
The pawns can be very aggressive at the endgame at the same time solid defensively at middle-game . It depends on where you choose to anchor your 'mother'- pawn . (the pawn which holds the defence of the entire pawn structure). Usually it is advisable to use two or more protection for your 'mother'-pawn , so as to keep your pawn-structure intact .
The two rooks are connected and possible to double them up , they can be also be used to help in the defence .
However at the endgame it is important to note that Rainway Defence can result in very weak rook-endgame . One blunder could give your opponent a significant advantage .
Nothing much a queen could do here except for defending the King , bishop and the 'mother'-pawn . It is advisable to trade off the queen at the endgame , and concentrate on a solid pawn endgame !
The King usually is a defensive piece , but the Rainway Defence feature an active King . According to ZM , Ben 'Karpov' the King is "assumed to be old enough to take-care of himself and could play out-field" . In fact the King is said to be the most aggressive piece at the endgame . (As it could force Zug-Zuang) , and force a victory .
More information
You are more than welcome to feedback or ask more about this opening .
Ben "Karpov" at RFA_HQ@yahoo.com .
Sunday, June 29, 2008
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